Monday, December 20, 2010

Visit with Santa

This past weekend Santa Claus paid a visit to the Strand in Galveston.  So we thought since Santa was in town that we should take Payton to go meet him for the first time.  Santa was very nice, but you aren’t going to believe this, he isn’t an Aggie!  In fact he said he loves making Aggie jokes.  Geez.  Oh well, Payton loved meeting him anyway and sat quietly while we took pictures.  I’m not sure what she told Santa she wants for Christmas but I told her to tell him that she wants diapers.  After our visit with Santa, we took Payton to the first store that she’s ever been in-  Home Depot.  During the week the fan in her room broke so we picked up a new one.  Daddy installed the new fan and Payton took a nap after such a big outing.  It was a good weekend for our family!

Payton visiting Santa for the first time (9 weeks, 1 day old)  
So tired from her trip to see Santa
Big smile because we got to meet Santa!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2 Month Doctor's Appointment

I’m happy to report that Payton handled the shots like a champion.  She cried for less than a minute and then was just fine.  She also didn’t get a fever and that evening was back to her normal smiling self. 

At 2 months old, Payton weighs 12 pounds, 4 ounces and is a little over 23 inches long.  She is in the 75th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height.  I think Payton and her cousin Hank, who is 2 ½ weeks older than she is, are about the same size right now.  It will be so cute to get the two of them together next week when we visit them for Christmas.

Pictures of Payton, 2 months old:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2 Months Old Update

I think that my New Years resolution is going to be to update this blog a little more regularly.  Believe it or not, it’s a lot of work taking care of an infant and I don’t seem to have much spare time!  And when I actually do have a little time that I could devote to writing in this blog, I find that I would rather hold my baby, kiss her, hug her, and even just watch her sleep.  But since she’ll be turning 2 months old tomorrow, I’ll watch her sleep as I attempt to update her blog.

In mid-November Payton started smiling while having her eyes open.  Though she would generally stare at the wall and smile, rather than look at you and smile.  When she was 6 weeks old her Aunt Debbie came to visit and Payton gave her a couple of big smiles which made her mommy a bit jealous!  Just last week did Payton consistently start smiling at us.  It is the best thing ever!  This past Friday night I got very little sleep and was prepared to wake up in a bad mood as a result.  But then Payton woke up and kept smiling at me and at her daddy and I knew it was going to be a good day after all. 

On November 20th Payton went on her first out of town trip.  We went to College Station for the Texas A&M versus Nebraska football game.  Charles was born in Nebraska and as a result grew up a Nebraska football fan.  Now he, of course, roots for the Aggies, but he really wanted to attend the game because this is the last year that Nebraska will be playing in the Big XII Conference.  Payton, Lala (my mom), and I stayed in my parent’s R.V. during the football game while Charles, my dad, Kyle, and Lindsay attended the game.  Even though I was just watching the game on TV, it was still very exciting when the Aggies beat #8 ranked Nebraska.  Payton slept during the game but I think she still enjoyed her first trip to Aggieland.  Maybe next time, when she’s a little older, we’ll give her the full Aggie football experience.

We spent Thanksgiving at home, as a family of three.  And although we missed seeing the rest of our family in Central Texas and in Dallas, it was truly nice to have a quiet Thanksgiving with just our little family.  We prepared the first Thanksgiving meal that we’ve ever cooked and it turned out pretty good.  Then we watched the Aggies beat the hell outta t.u. and that was a great ending to an already wonderful Thanksgiving!

Payton still hates “tummy time” and prefers to lie on her back.  She hasn’t learned to lift up her head yet, hence why she still may not like to be placed on her stomach.  Earlier this month she discovered that when laying on her back, she can now easily turn her head from side to side.  So she enjoys turning her head back and forth, back and forth.  She definitely lives up to her nickname “Wiggles”.  Payton can also hold her head up to look around when she is being carried over your shoulder.  This is how she prefers to be held now, so that she can look around.  I take her on “house tours” every day where I walk around the house with her and point out something that I haven’t told her about in each room.  Not sure what I’ll do when I run out of new things to tell her about.  “See that stain there on the wall?  One day I was blow drying my hair when fire shot out of the blow dryer and made the wall turn black!”

We have found that Payton loves music.  When Payton was still in the womb, Charles would put an ipod up to my stomach to play music for her.  So we think the familiar sounds of music may be a comfort to her.  Payton can be screaming her lungs out and the second you turn the music on, she’s silent.  Daddy reports that Elton John is her favorite and when he puts on Crocodile Rock, she moves her arms up and down to the beat.  She already has better rhythm than her mother.  I absolutely love to watch Charles dance around the room with Payton in his arms.  Charles and Payton also have “dance parties” together.  A dance party is where Charles lays Payton on her back and dances her legs around to the music.  Last night Payton had a HUGE smile on her face during the dance party and we could have sworn we heard her laughing!

Tomorrow is Payton’s two month appointment, so tomorrow night I will try to update on her weight, height, and anything else I find out at the appointment.  She will have to get her 2 month shots, so I’m really not looking forward to it.  I think it’s going to hurt me to see her get the shots as much as it is going to hurt her.  Please keep us in your thoughts tomorrow.  

Pictures from weeks 5-8:
Payton and Dixie= BFFs (5 weeks, 4 days old)
Deep in thought-  (5 weeks, 6 days old)
Thanksgiving 2010

Aunt Debbie's visit (6 weeks old)
Payton and Mommy (6 weeks, 3 days old)
Payton in a beautiful dress that our friend Gabbie brought back from Mexico for her.
My gorgeous little girl!
Lounging in her bouncer (7 weeks old)
My silly girl on a stroller ride (8 weeks, 1 day old)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nearly 2 Months Old!

Here is some video of Payton now that she's 8 weeks old.  A little bit of playtime gets filmed and is followed up with a big surprise at the end!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

1 Month Old

Yesterday Payton turned four weeks old.  We can hardly believe how fast she is growing!  She now weighs 9 pounds, 10 ounces and has long legs.  When she hears our voices she is beginning to look our direction.  She also occasionally looks up at the mobile above her swing.  She likes to suck her hands and sometimes likes to have a pacifier.  She loves lying in mommy and daddy’s bed and she loves when daddy gives her a bath each night. She likes to spend time sitting in her swing, her bouncer, laying flat on her back, and being held in your arms.  But try lying Payton on her stomach for some “tummy time”, to encourage her to start strengthening her neck muscles, and she will cry until you turn her back over.  She is definitely not a fan!  Though “tummy time” on daddy’s chest is more than okay with her.

As long as she is swaddled at night, she “sleeps like a baby”, waking us up only to eat and then she goes right back to sleep.  This past week Payton has started going longer periods of time at night without waking up to eat.  She has had a couple of nights where she has made it 4-5 hours before waking up to eat and the past two nights she has gone almost 6 hours.  She’s not as good about sleeping during the day though and tends to fight sleep until she gets herself overly tired.

We call her an “angel baby” because she is so good.  We feel like she definitely takes after Charles since my mom has said I wasn’t nearly this good when I was a baby and Charles’ mom confirms that he was a very easy baby.  Looking at old baby pictures though, Payton looks very much like I did when I was a baby.

We knew babies went through a lot of diapers but we really had no idea just how many!  It seems like she NEVER has a clean diaper.  Thursday was Charles’ birthday and Payton decided to play a funny joke on both of us.  I was in the process of changing her and Charles was standing a few feet away, looking at the new size 1 diapers that Payton just started wearing (she has outgrown the newborn sized diapers) when Payton decided to go poo.  Well the poo shot out like a water gun getting all over my hands, Charles' shirt and pants, the carpet, the wood floor, the clothes hamper, the changing table, the stack of unused diapers, and probably other places that we have yet to discover!  We both screamed and then found ourselves laughing about it for the rest of the evening.

Happy 1 month birthday to Payton and happy 30th birthday to her daddy!

Pictures from Payton’s first month:

8 days old and finally home from the hospital:

2 weeks old, happy baby:

 2 weeks old with mommy, ready for Halloween:

2 weeks, 2 days old-  Halloween Day:

Payton the pumpkin:

2 1/2 weeks old-- In her nightgown on the first cold day of the year.  She's getting long!

2 1/2 weeks old-  Nap time:

3 weeks old-  We went for a walk to Seawall to see all the biker action taking place on the Lone Star Rally weekend.  Surprisingly the loud bikes didn't bother her.

3 weeks, 2 days old-  Mommy and Daddy's bed is so comfortable!

Daddy's 30th birthday (3 weeks, 6 days old)-  A little unhappy about having to wear the birthday hat!

4 weeks old-  As cute as ever:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Payton and her first bath experience......

Here is Paytons first "full feature" home movie.  This will be absolutely classic in 20 years when I'm showing this to her friends who come over. - Dad

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Payton's Birth Story

This is going to be long because 32 hours of labor makes for a rather long birth story.  

As you can see from my last blog update, Wednesday, October 13, I was certainly not expecting anything to happen anytime soon.  Well, I will admit, I was wrong.  That day I felt our little girl really kicking and punching more than normal in my belly.  I told Charles about this on the phone when he called to say he was leaving work.  I then prepared dinner and lay down on the couch to wait for Charles to get home.  At 5:00 p.m. Charles walked in the door from work.  I proceeded to get up from the couch and the second that I did, my water broke.  I ran to the bathroom while yelling, “Oh my gosh, my water just broke!”  I am convinced that one of our little girl’s unusually strong punches or kicks broke my water.  Guess she’s a future black belt like her parents.  I am so relieved that she waited for Charles to get home before breaking my water.

After realizing my water had broken, I called my doctor.  My doctor wasn’t on-call so I talked to Dr. Files instead.  I said, in a panic, “My water just broke and I’m in Galveston!  What do I do?!”  She calmly said, “Just come in to the hospital.”  This was not how our childbirth class had made the early stages of labor sound.  In class our instructor would say things like, “Early labor lasts many hours.  During this time you should finish packing, sleep, take walks, call your family, get your husband to give you a massage, etc.”  Instead, we grabbed what we could and rushed to the hospital.  At this point I still hadn’t felt a single contraction.

After a 45 minute drive, we arrived at Clear Lake Regional Hospital and checked in to labor and delivery.  I thought your water just breaks and that’s it.  What I didn’t realize is that it continues to “break” for the next 24 hours!  They had me get into the hospital bed, even though I felt like I should be wearing a diaper!  The nurse examined me and determined that I was only about ½ a centimeter dilated.  They hooked me up to a monitor and surprised me by telling me that I was having contractions every 2-5 minutes, despite the fact that I wasn’t feeling them.  Which was the problem, even though I was having many contractions, they were too weak to be doing any good.  Around 8:00 p.m. that evening I was started on pitosin by I.V. to help strengthen my contractions.  

As the contractions started to hurt, I became more comfortable standing up, rather than lying in bed.  So for the majority of the night, I stood by my bed, unable to walk around because I was hooked up to the I.V. and to all the monitors.  Charles slept for awhile on the chair in the room.  I guess being in labor makes you really warm because I was comfortable, but he froze all night.

By the next morning, October 14, the pitosin was starting to cause some really strong contractions.  The problem was, when the pitosin levels would get too high, it would cause me to have extremely painful contractions that would last up to 5 minutes.  Such contractions were pretty unbearable because they felt like they lasted forever.  When this would happen they would have to lower my pitosin levels for awhile.  It was discouraging because despite hours of contractions, I was still only measuring ½ centimeter in dilation.

By late morning I was in a lot of pain and the nurses kept wanting to give me I.V. narcotics.  Around noon I decided to give them a try.  They gave me an injection (into my I.V.) of Stadol.  I immediately regretted the decision because I started feeling really out of it.  I couldn’t comprehend what people were saying to me and I couldn’t communicate with those around me.  I also couldn’t stay awake but when I would drift off to sleep, apparently I would stop breathing.  Charles would touch my arm and tell me to breath.  This was absolutely terrifying to me.  I would try so hard to stay awake, but when I couldn’t fight it, I would stop breathing.  Apparently this only lasted about 10 minutes and eventually I started falling asleep and breathing again, but it continued to scare me for the duration of the medication being in my system.

By 4:00 p.m. my contractions were getting to be unbearably painful again.  I didn’t want to have the epidural until I knew that I was at least 3 centimeters dilated.  But because it was now almost 24 hours since my water had first broke, the nurses were told not to check me for fear of it causing an infection.  The nurses insisted that it would be okay for me to go ahead and get the epidural and so I made the decision to get it.  After giving me the epidural, the doctor checked my dilation and I had gone from ½ a centimeter to 3 centimeters in dilations.  I was so happy to finally have some pain relief and to be showing some progress!

Another doctor, Dr. Johnson, was on-call that evening and she checked in on me around 9:00 p.m.  When she checked my dilations she really surprised me when she said, “You’re fully dilated, 10 centimeters, you’re ready to start pushing now.”  I was SO happy, excited, and scared all at once!  I had already convinced myself that I would probably not get to 10 centimeters and would have to have a c-section, so to be at 10 centimeters and have the opportunity to try to have her vaginally was very exciting.  Dr. Johnson told me she had to go but would be back to check on me.  I asked what would happen if I pushed the baby out when she was away and she explained that all that is required is to have someone there to catch the baby and that the nurse was an expert at catching babies so everything would be fine.  I later found out that the reason Dr. Johnson couldn’t be there was because there was another mother who was hemorrhaging and ended up requiring emergency surgery.  I never did find out if she ended up being okay.  I’m just glad at the time that I didn’t know about this because it would have scared me.  My mom, who was in the waiting room, did hear about this and it made her more scared as she waited to hear that the baby and I were okay.

Since I had the epidural, I couldn’t always feel when I was having a contraction.  So the nurse would watch the monitor and when she could see a contraction she would tell me to push.  I pushed as hard as I absolutely could.  Even though I couldn’t feel the pain in my uterus, it was extremely tiring to continue pushing.  I noticed the pain the most in my neck, chest, and upper body.  The nurse told me that they might lessen the medication to my epidural in order to allow me to feel the contractions, which might help with my ability to push.  Instead of lessening the medication though, they allowed my epidural to run completely dry.  Meaning that by about 11:20 p.m. I was no longer receiving drip medication.  I started to be able to feel my legs again and eventually started feeling the very painful contractions.  This time it wasn’t just the contractions that hurt but the fact that I could feel her head pushing very hard onto my pelvic bone.  I tried pushing laying down, sitting up, and squatting.  The pain was the worst I have ever felt in my life and I kept asking, “Why isn’t the epidural working?  Please do something!  It hurts!”  I was mad at the nurse whose response to all of this was that I was feeling more pain because I was in active labor and because I was moving around so much.  Charles told me that at this point they were convinced that I wasn’t going to be able to push her head past my pelvic bone, thus requiring a c-section, so they didn’t want to use a new epidural bag on me.  But they still wanted to give me the full 3 hours in order to try to push her out.  At around 12:15 p.m. Dr Johnson came back in and asked if I wanted the last 15 minutes to continue to try to push or if I wanted to go for a c-section.  I asked, “Do you think I will have her in the next 15 minutes?”  She told me, “No”, so the decision was made to go for the c-section.

During my pregnancy I had often thought of how I might react if I was told I would require a c-section.  I grew up hearing my mom’s stories about how painful of an experience it was and so I was very scared of this outcome.  I thought that I would be extremely upset and might even start panicking if told I would need a c-section.  But sometime during the 32 hours of labor and the extreme pain of un-medicated pushing, I came to accept that this was how my baby was going to be born.  I was still very scared and arrived in the OR shaking uncontrollably.  Luckily they restarted my epidural so my lower body was free of pain again and not shaking.  But all I could think of in the OR was how bad my jaw hurt from being clenched and how I couldn’t unclench my jaw even if I tried.  I also became extremely tired and wasn’t sure why.  I could barely keep my eyes open when it occurred to me that maybe they had put something in my IV that was causing me to be so tired.  So I asked the man standing at my head, who I thought was the anesthesiologist, “Did you put something in my IV to make me tired?”  Well since he was just a nurse and hadn’t given me anything himself, his response was, “No, I didn’t give you anything.”  I found out later that the real anesthesiologist had given me a dose of Demerol in my I.V.  

Payton Ashley Falgout was born at 1:01 a.m. on Friday, October 15.  She weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.   I heard them say, “It’s a girl!” and “Wow, she’s bigger than we thought!”  I heard them say this but what I didn’t hear were any cries from my baby girl.  I got scared and asked Charles, “Why isn’t she crying?  I don’t hear her.”  Charles just told me, “I don’t know why she isn’t crying but she’s fine”  And when he would hear a little peep from her he would say, “Do you hear her?”  Then Charles got to see her and watched them footprint her.  After that they let him bring her, all wrapped up to her face in a blanket, over to me so I could look at her.  Her eyes were open but she wasn’t crying.  Charles said it wasn’t until they were taking her to the transitional nursery that she really started wailing.  He told her, “Why didn’t you do this for your mother?!”

After she was born, Charles went with her to the nursery and I stayed in the OR so they could finish stitching me back up.  Then they wheeled me back into the birthing room where my mom was waiting for me.  My mom had had the opportunity to see Payton in the nursery before coming to join me in the room.  I remember being very thirsty and my body was still shaking uncontrollably.  After about 4 hours, Charles left the nursery and joined me in the birthing room.  He then packed up our things and we were transferred to a room in post-partum.  Here they wheeled in a bassinet that had my little girl Payton in it.  I was able to hold her for the first time and the nurse showed me how to nurse her.  Around 6:00 a.m. we put her back in her bassinet and closed our eyes for an hour until the new nurse showed up at 7:00 a.m. to examine me.  

We stayed in the hospital until Monday evening.  I never did really sleep during this time and I also never did stop shaking.  Payton was wonderful!  She rarely cried and was very alert for a newborn.  When my doctor came to discharge us on Monday evening we discussed how my blood pressure readings seemed high.  It was determined that it was probably the result of not being able to rest in the hospital and that I should go home and keep an eye on it.

We were so excited to be leaving the hospital.  I could not stop smiling and was so proud to be holding my baby (in her car seat) as we left the hospital.  By the time we arrived home around 9:00 p.m. Monday evening, I was delirious from being so tired.  We went to sleep and although I was up numerous times in the night to check on and feed Payton, I felt much better in the morning.  Unfortunately around lunchtime I remembered that I was supposed to be keeping an eye on my blood pressure.  When I checked it, it was 186/110.  I called my doctor and was back in Clear Lake at my doctor’s office by about 4:00 p.m. Tuesday.  My blood pressure was still dangerously high and so my doctor made the decision to put me back in the hospital.  In the hospital they put me on an I.V. drip of magnesium.  It was so miserable as it felt like fire being pumped through my veins.  Everything hurt and I felt like I had a horrible case of the flu.  The magnesium was to prevent me from having a seizure or stroke due to the high blood pressure.  By morning they had started me on blood pressure medicine and were able to stop the magnesium I.V.  I was transferred to the Antipartum wing where I stayed until Thursday afternoon. 

During this time, Payton, Charles, and my mom were able to stay with me.  We actually benefited from having additional time to spend with the lactation expert, which was good because I became engorged when my milk came in.  But I was definitely happy when I was finally able to go home again on Thursday afternoon.

My mom stayed with us the remainder of that week and the following week.  It was so helpful to have her there.  Recovering from a c-section and caring for an infant is no easy task and I would have really struggled without her.

Payton is an absolute doll and despite all I went through to have her, I would happily go through it again in a second.  We love her more than words can express.  She is beautiful and perfect.  She makes the funniest faces that make us laugh and already has an adorable personality.  I can’t take my eyes off of her and am so thankful that I am able to stay at home with her and enjoy every second with her.  God had blessed us beyond what we could have imagined and I hope we never take this blessing for granted.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Update

Well this is just an update to say that there’s really nothing to update! lol Didn’t get to see my doctor this week because she was at the hospital delivering someone’s baby, but the nurse didn’t seem to think I was dilated. Not having contractions or anything to indicate that I’m having the baby soon. She’s due a week from Friday so we’ll just see when she wants to show up.

Charles created a game to guess the birth date and weight of our baby. If you would like to play just click on the following link, add your name to a square, and be sure to "file-save" after adding your name. Rules: One name per square, don't erase anyone else's name, and "price is right" style where the winner is the closest without going over. If you're the closest you win bragging rights (or free surf lessons...) so there's a lot at stake! ;)

As of right now, I’m planning to attend the Texas A&M versus Missouri football game this Saturday in College Station. My doctor said it is fine. So as long as I’m feeling up to it, I figure there’s no reason I shouldn’t go. Well, other than the fact that I might have the baby at Kyle Field. But would that really be such a bad thing?! lol Actually that would probably not be so awesome at the time but would make for a cool story later. Based on early results of Charles’ birth date/weight contest, everyone seems to think I’m going to have her late anyway so I’m sure I’m fine. I know all of you wouldn’t give me misinformation! ;)

Below are some pictures from this past Saturday at the Aldersgate Methodist Fall Bazaar in Santa Fe. We enjoyed picking out our pumpkins, looking at all the crafts, seeing friends, and eating some good BBQ. And no, I’m not trying to steal any pumpkins under my shirt! ;)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just an Update

I’ve gotten several calls this week from family and friends asking how everything is going so I figure it must be time for a quick blog update.  As of this Friday (Oct. 8th) I will be 38 weeks.  Which means only two short weeks until my due date.  It’s hard to believe it’s almost here!  As of yesterday, I am still not dilated or showing signs of having her anytime in the real near future.  She is head down, in position to be born, but that’s about it.  My doctor said, “Boy you have a small little baby in there!”  She estimates that she currently weighs about 5 ½ pounds.  A small baby is good because I’m a small person and would really prefer not to have to have a c-section. 

I’m still feeling really pretty good.  Compared to the sick feeling I had the entire first trimester, the third trimester has been a breeze.  I should knock on wood because I don’t want things to go downhill from here, but overall right now I have very little to complain about.  I still wake up by 6:00am each morning to go swim laps for 40 minutes and then I pretty much stay busy doing whatever I need to do throughout the day.  My biggest complaint would have to be the lack of sleep that I’ve experienced.  I have to get up for the restroom a lot and my back hurts at night, so I tend to be up at least once every two hours and sometimes I’m not able to fall back asleep.  Charles said that is God’s way of preparing my body to get up to take care of the baby and I have no doubt that he is right about that.  Some nights are better than others which means some days I feel better than others.

The baby room is all ready, our bags are packed for the hospital, we graduated from our childbirth class, so now we’re just waiting for our little girl to arrive.  For whatever reason, I just don’t feel that she has any plans to make an early appearance.  In fact, it’s hard for me to believe that she could be here in as short of time as two weeks from now.  Maybe she’ll just wait and be a November baby like her daddy.  :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome Baby Hank!

Yesterday our nephew Albert Henry “Hank” was born.  He is the 5th Albert Henry so he is named after his father “Albert”, his grandfather “Al”,  his great-grandfather “Deck”, and his great-great grandfather “Papi.”  So he’s born into quite a tradition! 

Hank was born the afternoon of September 28th, 2010 at Georgetown Hospital by way of c-section.  He weighs 6 pounds 14 ounces and is 19 inches long.  He was born healthy and perfect, with dark hair and he looks just like his daddy.  Erin, his mommy, is also doing well though they are still trying to manage her pain from the c-section.

We are very excited about this new addition to our family! Congratulations to Albert and Erin!

Welcome to the world baby Hank!

Hank with his parents, Albert and Erin:

Hank with his grandmother, Pam:

Hank with his daddy: