Wednesday, September 23, 2015

One year ago today

One year ago today I heard Ellie crying in her crib during nap time and when I went to check on her I knew immediately that she had suffered another stroke.

One year ago today I called 911 and told them my 22 month old had had a stroke.  I tried to stay calm while I asked them to "Please hurry!"

One year ago today I went into Payton's room and woke her up from her nap by saying, "Payton get up!  Ellie is very sick and an ambulance is here to take us all to the hospital!"

One year ago today I rode in an ambulance with it's siren wailing, Ellie crying and lying limp in my arms, and Payton sitting behind the stretcher that I was on, looking like the very scared 3 year old that she was.  One of the scariest moments of my life I managed to put a smile on my face and say to Payton, "Look at you riding in an ambulance!  So cool!"

One year ago today we waited for hours to be transferred to Texas Children's.  We held Ellie in our arms and watched her have seizure after seizure.  

One year ago today we found out that Ellie had suffered a stroke affecting over 3/4 of the left side of her brain.  We were told that she might get worse as her brain continued to swell.    

One year ago today we were shocked and full of questions.  How could this have happened when just a week earlier her MRI had looked so good???

One year ago today my daughter started her day with the ability to walk, talk, and use both hands and ended the day like a newborn who couldn't even hold up her own head, focus her eyes, swallow a sip of water or understand anything said to her.

One year ago today was the last time I heard Ellie say "Uh oh", "Payton", "Dada", "Water" and all the other words she knew at the time.

One year ago today we almost lost our sweet Ellie. 

One year ago today people from all over the world covered Ellie in prayers.  We could feel the waves of peace and comfort invading our overwhelming state of fear and chaos.  

One year ago today we started a journey that has introduced us to so many amazing people.  People who have dedicated their entire lives to helping sick children.  People who work tirelessly day and night.  People who have stood by us through all of this.  People who step up and advocate for Ellie as if she is their own child.  People who hurt when we hurt and celebrate Ellie's progress with us.

One year ago today God decided that He still has a plan for Ellie here on this earth.  God proved that He is bigger than strokes.  He is bigger than Moyamoya disease.  He is bigger than our biggest fears. 

Today I needed to reflect on the past in order to see how far Ellie and our family have come in a year.  I'm proud of Ellie and our family but mostly I am thankful for God's love and grace.  God's plan is bigger and better than anything we can imagine.  To God be the glory!

One year ago today God was by our side and He has never left us.  Today we celebrate God's healing hand.  Today we celebrate God's faithfulness.  Today we look back but then we keep moving forward.

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